Meeting God The Hard Way
Deep down most of us believe in God, even if we don't know how to articulate it. It's all the religious mumbo jumbo that we've had difficulty with. In fact, the religiosity, the hypocrisy is often the root cause of our confusion. Our disillusionment. It's the real reason we ultimately walk away from our faith. We've seen too much to pretend.
Somewhere along the way, "simple belief" wasn't enough. Faith became too hard.
Meeting God the Hard Way is a collection of true stories from the author's own life experiences. Her confusion, her pain, her failures and her crisis of faith are humbly shared, as well as her revelations and Divine encounters.
Tucked between the pages is also the sacred opportunity for the reader to walk into the story. With stops along the way, each chapter encourages the reader to get personal. To go deeper. It offers the space and the time to sit with each story and simply breathe with it. A time to look inside and ask the hard questions - questions that may have been buried, possibly for decades. Journal areas are waiting right there on the page for the answers that come.
The reader is invited to slow down and contemplate what they've discovered within each and every chapter.
Though this is a simple book, it's so much more. It's an invitation.
An invitation written personally for you.
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